Book Tour Update

Well, I'm sad to report that my rather ambitious goal of reading 7 books in 2 weeks has fallen far short of completion.  It is currently 9:30pm on March 31st, and I'm pretty sure that I won't be reading 3.5 books in the next 26.5 hours, given that I need to visit a parishoner in Indianapolis; pick up my wife at the airport (who has been gone for nearly 6 days now. I realized this week that my life would be incredibly boring if I were single); finish Sunday's sermon; work on messages for Maundy Thursday, Easter sunrise service and regular Easter service; get ready for Thursday's Bible study; watch Heroes; maybe do some more dishes; and, oh yeah, sleep.

The good news is that I'm not giving up.  I'm now building a stack of books to read, which has grown to 16.  All of which, sadly, were already on my shelves at home, with one exception.  So, here are the books that are in my future, in no particular order:

- From Members to Disciples - Foss
- Untamed Hospitality - Newman
- Administration in the Small Membership Church - Tyson
- Can We Do That? - Stanley & Young
- Unleashing the Potential of the Smaller Church - McMullen
- Why Nobody Learns Much of Anything at Church and How to Fix It - Schultz
- Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century - Gallagher
- Developing the Leader With You - Maxwell
- Developing the Leaders Around You - Maxwell
- Why Men Hate Going to Church - Murrow
- Ready, Set, Lead! - Ward
- Trolls & Truth - Dorrell
- Outreach and Mission for Vital Congregations - Rosenberger
- Where Faith and Culture Meet - Crouch
- Three Simple Rules - Job
- No Perfect People Allowed - Burke

Look for reviews down the road.


Me said...

"Why Men Hate Going to Church" is an awesome (and eye-opening) read. Follow it up with Pat Morley's "No Man Left Behind." You'll thank me for it later.