Q & A Session
Swish's Series Review, Braves 5/27-5/29
A Good Day
Children of God
Quotable Quotes
Swish's Series Review, Cubs 5/24-5/26
Swish's Series Review, Mets 4/21-4/23
Another Reason to Worry About Hockey...
The Post Easter Life
Tuesday Tunes

Swish's Series Review, Chicago (NL) 5/16-5/18, 7/12
Obama and Georgetown
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth: Review and Reflections
- - 1:55-59 - This brief excerpt makes no sense apart from the miracle that is performed by Jesus. It is found in Mark 3, where Jesus enters a synagogue on the Sabbath and heals a man with a withered hand. The Pharisees consider it work and that Jesus is breaking the Sabbath; however, in the Jefferson version, it seems like the Pharisees are ticked off because Jesus asked them a simple question. It wasn't just the question, it was the act of healing a man with a "whithered" hand that set off the Pharisees.
- - 2:20-21 - Comes from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Now think about this for a minute. Jesus says that he is there to fulfill the Law and the Prophets - the very ones who talk about his resurrection, which is left out of Jefferson's version because of its supernatural nature. To conclude, it also says that nothing should be removed from the Law (which is the OT for us), but Jefferson does the equivalent by chopping off large portions of the gospels.
- - 3:48-50 - The discussion of the narrow and the wide gate. By chopping off the supernatural, Jefferson makes the way much wider, and is, in fact, doing the very thing that this passage warns against in the first place. And the "beware of false prophets" part? Sure, the Jefferson edition may make more sense to those who are inexplicably offended by the supernatural, but it is an incomplete and, therefore, false message.
- - 3:63-64 - The people were amazed at Jesus' teaching because he taught as one with authority. So, why would somebody take away from his teaching? If Jesus taught with authority that had never been seen before, why would we disregard his teachings? Jesus himself talked about his resurrection. Why ignore it if he taught with such authority?
- - 4:26 - Why would we be afraid of one who can throw us into hell is the natural world is all that there is? If all we see is all there is, then talking about hell is pointless.
- - 4:52-56 - Retells the story of those waiting on their lord to return. The point of this parable is the need to be prepared when Christ returns. Again, no supernatural, no return of Christ. Jefferson is proving to be very inconsistent.
- - 7:57 - "Jesus answered and said to them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel." "One work"? What could that possibly mean if not a miracle that Jesus performed? Jesus admits to doing the miraculous, but Jefferson denies it.
- - 12:61-70 - Story of the Sadducees trying to trap Jesus with a question about the resurrection that the Jews believed in. It would be interesting to hear why this wasn't cut out as well.
- - 13:50-52 - Relates Jesus' telling of the flood story found in Genesis; something that Jefferson certainly wouldn't have believed.
- - 15:49-58 - Leaves out the part about Jesus sweating blood as he prays, which is an actual medical condition called hematidrosis. It is rare, but happens in circumstances when a subject is under extreme stress. Da Vinci mentions soldiers sweating blood prior to battle.
- - 16:13 - Mentions that one of the disciples cut off a person's ear, but fails to mention that Jesus heals the person. If we want to focus on Jesus' teachings and love and forgiveness, perhaps healing an ear that was cut off would show his compassion and love and capacity to forgive. Of course, such a thing cannot possibly happen, right?
- - 16:37 - Mentions Jesus' saying that if "this temple" is destroyed, he will build another that is made without hands. John 2 clearly tells us that he is talking about his body and the resurrection when he says this. The Jefferson Bible makes no mention of John's report of Jesus' words, but he mentions the false witnesses saying it at Jesus' trial.
- - 16:41 - The high priest asks Jesus if he is the Son of God, and in response to Jesus' answer cries out that Jesus has committed blasphemy. It is only blasphemy if Jesus' answer is something that would have equated himself with God... like saying that he is the Son of God. Jesus undeniably says that he is the Son of God here; not just a normal man, as the version is trying to show him to be.
- -17:37 - the above two points are again discussed here.
- - Inconsistency in Jefferson's thought that is found throughout: if he wants to get rid of anything that is considered supernatural, then he should take out any reference whatsoever to God, who by His very nature is far beyond anything that is found in the natural world.
Swish's Series Review, Arizona 5/13-5/15
Big Day
Tuesday Tunes... on a Wednesday

I get a phone call from Regis -
he says "Do you want to be a millionaire?"
They put me on a show and I win
with two lifelines to spare
Picture this
I act like nothing ever happened
and bury all the money in a coffee can
Well, I've been given more than Regis ever gave away
I was a dead man who was called to come out of my grave
I think it's time for makin' some noise
Wake the neighbors
Get the word out
Come on, crank up the music, climb a mountain and shout
This is life we've been given, made to be lived out
So, la, la, la, la, live out loud
Think about this
Try to keep a bird from singing after
it's soared up in the sky
Give the sun a cloudless day and tell
it not to shine
Think about this
If we really have been given the gift
of life that will never end
And if we have been filled with living
hope, we're gonna overflow
And if God's love is burning in our
hearts, we're gonna glow
There's just no way to keep it in
So, la, la, la, la, live out loud
Live out loud
La, la, la...la, la, la...la, la, la, live out loud
I wanna hear everybody
La, la, la...la, la, la...la, la, la, live out loud
Every corner of creation is a living declaration
Come join the song we were made to sing
Yeah, It Was the Goat...
It all goes back to the 1945 World Series when Billy Sianis, a tavern owner in Chicago, brought a goat to World Series Game 4. He was asked to leave. The Cubs lost that game, then the Series, and haven't been back since. Supposedly, Sianis put a curse on the Cubs as he left the field that will prevent them from ever hosting another World Series in Wrigley. So far, the score looks like this: Goat Curse 63, Cubs 0.
Clearly, it is a goat's fault that the Cubs have annually failed to live up to expectations. It has nothing to do with good players playing poorly in the playoffs, or a bad team not making the playoffs in the first place. Hopefully, a similar fate doesn't await, St. Louis hero, Steve Bartman.