The Video Kick Continues...

I found this on YSMarkO's blog the other day.  He works for Youth Specialities, which is one of the larger youth ministry organizations out there right now.

This video is pretty funny based on sheer cheesiness alone.  It is about one of those topics that Christians don't really like to talk about all that often - tithing.  Tithing is one of the more touchy Christian disciplines with people.  You can talk about fasting and prayer and Scripture reading, and nobody says much about it.  But you talk about tithing once, and suddenly, you're meddling.  I guess that reflects how much focus there is on money in our day.

Let me just say before you skip to the video that tithing is not about money.  It's not an equation where if I give God so much, He will automatically bless me.  That's not it at all.  That suggests a God that is too small and can be controlled by what we do.  Tithing is about priorities.  Where are your priorities?  They say you can look at your checkbook to find that out.  Anyhoo...