Movie Tour, DVD-style: Julie and Julia

Another one of the movies that we didn't get out to see this summer, but were so certain that we'd like it that we went ahead and bought it. And it didn't disappoint.

Plot Summary
Julie and Julia follows the story of two women: Julia Child cooking professional and Julie Powell blogger. Julie is a writer who can't seem to write and is stuck in a 9-5 job that consumes her energy. She decides that what she is going to do is cook her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year, and blog about it as she embarks on the journey. Meanwhile, there are flashbacks to Julia Child's attempts to find something to do with her time, which then leads her to write and publish the book while she is overseas with her husband in the U.S. Ambassador's office.

I thought they did a very good job of blending the two stories together. It is a bit of a "chick flick," if you will, but the focus is on food, which I like immensely. Seriously though, the stories fit together very well, and it is an inspiring story on the power of perseverance in the face of all obstacles, even the ones that we put in our own way.

It is worth a purchase, even at full price. It is a good movie to sit down and watch, maybe after dinner, instead of before.

Best Part
The food. I've never been so interested in working on a movie set before watching all the magnificent food that was made on this one. I'm drooling just thinking about it.