Catching Up

I realized a few days ago that it has been a while since I've put anything besides a sermon up on here. So, I thought I'd update y'all (both of you) on what's been going on lately.

As you probably now by now, it's been a rough month. We have moved back into a sort of normal life (at least a new definition of normal) since the miscarriage. The bad days are getting fewer and further between, which is all good. We haven't, nor will we ever, forget about that day, but we are moving on. In the meantime, Katie has been sick on and off since. We thought it was strep, but the test came back negative. The doctor thought it might have been mono, but, again, the test came back negative. It is clearly some kind of infection that hasn't quite gone away completely, but she is doing better now.

I haven't really seen any movies since the two-movie marathon last month. We've talked about it a couple of times, but there isn't a whole lot out right now that looks interesting. In Crawfordsville, there was one movie playing the other day that didn't include vast amounts of violence and gore (not exactly our type of movie... in spite of the fact that I did see District 9 and G.I. Joe recently). I don't remember what it was, but we weren't terribly interested in seeing it at the time.

I have been doing more reading than usual lately. This is a good thing. I haven't been reading a whole lot. I finished reading Craig Groeschel's It last week. Great book. I'll put some highlights up on the blog in a few days. I also started Cormack McCarthy's The Road. I've heard it was a pretty good book, and so far, it hasn't disappointed.

Katie and I are headed out for vacation at the end of next week. Our buddy Seth is getting married in Maryland, so we're heading out east for a few days. After the wedding, we're going to Pittsburgh for a couple of days too. I picked up a couple of tickets to a Pirates-Padres game at PNC Park. Great seats. They're in the front row out in left field, and we only paid $5 for each ticket (plus some service charges, which actually made them about $10/each). I'm pretty excited about it. Katie is at least acting exciting (apart from when she rolls her eyes when I tell people about the tickets). The next day, we're going to IKEA in Pittsburgh, which Katie is pretty excited about (and I'm acting excited, at least apart from when I roll my eyes when she tells people about it...). It'll be a good trip, and we're looking forward to getting away for a few days.

All in all, things have been pretty quiet lately. I'm trying out the B90X challenge put together by Pastor Steven Furtick as a challenge to read through the Bible in 90 days. Sounds impossible, but I think it'll be something that's pretty cool. Katie and I talked about doing it together last night, and then I think I'm going to challenge my churches to do it at the beginning of the year (at which point, I'll do it again alongside them as well). It's a pretty neat idea, and it is going to be intense. Check it out: B90X.