This week is one of the more difficult weeks in ministry. And it's not necessarily difficult because of anything in particular. In fact, maybe "difficult" isn't the best word. It's one of the busiest weeks in ministry. On Sunday, I referred to it as Super Bowl week for pastors. Here's a sample of what I mean. This week, I have to:
- Lead worship at two worship services for Palm Sunday (check)
- Go to Lafayette for a hospital visit (check, but may do it again)
- Host & preach at a community worship service (check)
- Prepare for Tuesday's Bible study (check)
- Actually remember to go to both churches for Bible study (I forgot about Hillsboro last Tuesday night.... oops!)
- Write a message for Maundy Thursday worship (check)
- Make sure everything is ready for Maundy Thursday worship
- Write a 5-10 minute "Reflection on the Cross" for community Good Friday worship
- Write a sermon for Easter
- Rehearse choral cantata with Hillsboro choir
- Rehearse with handbell choir for Easter morning worship
- Print bulletins for the Easter morning worship (probably double what I normally print)
- Lead worship on Maundy Thursday
- Attend & take part in Good Friday worship
- Check in on UMW Bake Sale Saturday morning
- Help out with Easter egg hunt
- Take part in worship at 6:30am on Easter morning
- Eat breakfast (can't forget that!)
- Lead worship for two Easter services
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I love being a part of the community of faith. I love leading a community of faith. It's just a busy week for a group of people who "only work one day a week." This is the week in the Christian faith. Praise God for a calling that causes me to be this mindful of the spiritual lives of those in my charge. It is an awesome responsibility.
When it's all said and done, I might need a day to relax, and wouldn't you know it, the Cardinals are playing the Opening Day game in Cincinnati. At noon on Monday, I'll be sitting in front of the television watching the Cards start off the 2010 season! What a week!
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