The Candy of Heaven

My hands-down, absolute favorite type of candy is the gummy worm. I love them. They are delicious in ways that cannot be described by mere English words. Koine Greek, the second language of heaven, comes close to describing the indescribable nature of this tasty treat, but even it falls short. The best place that I have ever found a gummy worm is the Ole Smokey Candy Kitchen in Gatlinburg, TN. They are absolutely amazing.

In general, I find gummy worms to be the ideal manifestation of such a candy-licious treat. It's not that I don't like gummy bears, gummy dinosaurs, gummy fish, or even gummy artificial limbs. It's just that the gummy worm is shaped in a perfect way so as to include multiple flavors, and it fits very well in that space between your teeth and your lips. Sure, it looks like I'm taking a dip (which is totally disgusting) every time I eat gummy worms, but that is only an aesthetic drawback for those around me, and consequently has no bearing on my overall enjoyment of said gummy worm.

I can generally tell which brand, or at least what the packaging off the particular gummy product, looks like. One day, while I was working at Sears, a friend of mine offered me a gummy bear, and I was able to correctly identify it as a Haribo gummy bear - you know, the one that comes in the gold package...

Anyway, all of this is to set up an amazing video that I was fortunate enough to come across this morning, as I was engaging in one of my current time-wasting activities.

Behold, the next inevitable step in gummy technology...

the GIANT GUMMY BEAR on a stick!!!!!!


Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

I'm so excited for you right now! Surely we're one step closer to having giant gummy eels in hammocks or something...