Random iTunes Sermon Prep Music, 1/29/09

Yes, it's a little later this week than usual.  I had a Residents in Ministry retreat this week with a bunch of other pastors down at St. Meinrad's Archabbey and Seminary in southern Indiana.  It was a good retreat, but the weather was absolutely awful.  We woke up on Tuesday morning with a couple of inches of snow, then it rained all day, and then we got another six inches on Wednesday morning.  I gave serious thought, as did many of the other pastors, to staying an extra night, but the power at the guest house was out, which meant a cold room, no lights and walking a quarter mile just for a hot meal.  Four and a half hours after leaving, I was walking through the front door of my warm home.  I really hope we don't have any more retreats in January, but I imagine we will.  Anyhoo, here are the next 10 songs on my random iTunes list, this time from my Hymns playlist.

1. If We Never Meet Again This Side of Heaven, Johnny Cash
2. We Fall Down, Randy Travis
3. What a Day That Will Be, Bart Millard
4. Arms of Love, Kutless
5. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, Todd Agnew
6. Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus, Bart Millard
7. Be Thou My Vision, Ginny Owens
8. Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Randy Travis
9. Hiding Place, Jars of Clay
10. Just As I Am, Nichole Nordeman