Too Good to Play

I just read an article on Yahoo! about a 9 year old boy who was banned from pitching in his league because he threw too hard. The kid is good. He's 9 years old and throws at 40 mph heater. Now I don't know what an average 9 year old throws, but an average 9 year old doesn't throw so hard that the rest of the batters in the league are scared to face him. And it's not like he's the second-coming of Wild Thing Ricky Vaughn. From what I gathered from the story, he has rarely, if ever, hit a batter.

I found out earlier that one of the local stations was going to have a story on it, but I'm sure it has already aired by now. Well, that, and the fact that I don't watch the local news will combine to ensure that I will not see the story.

So, is there such a thing as being too good? Apparently there is.


Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Kelly McKay talked about this on WZPL yesterday on my way home. I was FURIOUS! Grrrr...