Movie Tour: The A-Team

I was recently able to break my non-movie viewing slump, and the first movie that I saw to kick of the summer: The A-Team.  To tell  you the truth, I barely remember watching the television series, so I wasn't really sure what to expect for this movie.  From the previews, I could tell that there would be a lot of action, which is always a plus in my book.

Plot Summary
The A-Team is based on the '80's television series of the same name.  A collection of highly-trained military personnel are wrongfully accused of a crime and set out to clear their name.  The series itself is about how they helped people with problems.  The movie is more about how they got into that situation in the first place.

I loved it.  As you know, I'm always a fan of movies with a lot of action and a lot of explosions.  Check and double-check.  It was pretty clear from the opening sequence that this movie was going to be different from the television series.  The opening of the movie shows how the team came together, and sets it in modern times.  In the series, they are a team that worked together in Vietnam.  The changes from series to movie were worthwhile, and I didn't feel like they took away from the movie at all.

Definitely go see it.  I know it wasn't the first summer blockbuster to come out this year, but it was the first one that I was able to go see, and it was well worth it.  Even paying full price on a Saturday night, I would go see this one again.

Best Part
The opening sequence had me rolling.  Sharlto Copley, who played Wikus van der Merwe in my favorite movie from 2009 District 9, plays Murdock, and his sanity is definitely questionable.  He is introduced as a pilot in the mental ward at the beginning of the movie and very quickly is asked to fly a helicopter for the team, and what ensues is pure hilarity.