Random iTunes Sermon Prep Music, 1/6/09

Just to prove that I am not totally uncultured, today's random iTunes sermon prep music comes from my Classical Mix.  That's right, I'm rockin' and a rollin' to the classics today.

1. Strauss (R): Also Sprach Zarathus, Op. 30 - Introduction; album - The Most Frightening Music in the Universe.

2. Alleluia, Dies Santificatus (Modo II); Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos, Chant: The Anniversary Edition (Disk 2)

3. Morning Has Broken; Rob Crabtree, The Piper's Legacy

4. Holst: The Planets, Op. 32 H 125 - Saturn, The Bringer of Old Age; Holst: The Planets

5. Viderunt Omnes - Gradual (Modo V); Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos, Chant: The Anniversary Edition (Disk 2)

6. Freedom Theme; James Horner, Braveheart

7. Qui Manducat - Comunion (Modo I); Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos, Chant: The Anniversary Edition (Disk 1)

8. The Legend Spreads; James Horner, More Music from Braveheart

9. Puer Natus In Bethlehem - Ritmo (Modo I); Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos, Chant: The Anniversary Edition (Disk 2)

10. Os Iusti - Gradual (Modo I); Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos, Chant: The Anniversary Edition (Disk 2)

Well, that's exciting, isn't it?  I think I'm going to take a break and play a little CoD:WaW (that's Call of Duty: World at War, for those uncultured folks out there.  Yup, I'm going to go blow some stuff up for the next 20 minutes...)