Random iTunes Sermon Prep Music, 1/19/2009

The good news this week is that I'll be preaching from a passage that I have preached from before, and have spent a lot of time in.  Of course, I'm not just pulling out an old sermon, but I'm also not doubling up on my work either.  Different time, different context, different sermon; however, the text hasn't changed all that much.  Good thing too, this is going to be a really busy week, and I'm going to be out of town Monday through Wednesday of next week.  This will give me a chance to have a cohesive message from this week to next, and I'll be getting ahead a little bit on my work, which will free up some more of my time.

Anyhoo!  You didn't click on this post to know how my week was shaping up.  Today's random iTunes music comes from the Rock Music mix.

1. The Rescue, Kutless
2. The Messenjah, P.O.D.
3. College Kids, Relilent K
4. The Little Things Give You Away, Linkin Park
5. Right Where I Belong, 3 Doors Down
6. It's Like Me, Kutless
7. Million Dollar Man, Kutless
8. Working Man Hands, Jonah33
9. Sounds Like War, P.O.D.
10. Breaking the Habit, Linkin Park