Why Start a New Blog?

As you may or may not know, this is not my first blog. In fact, it's not even my second... or third... So why start another blog? Well, my first blog is kinda my more serious stuff. I post sermons that I've preached there, Bible studies that I've put together, or other serious theological thoughts along the way. Another one is tracking the ministry journey that my wife and I have been on for about a year and some change now. Yet another one is for things for the youth group with whom I am priviledged to work. In the midst of all of this, I don't have a place to write down my totally random thoughts about the different interests that I have in my life. Every once in a while I think of something to write about, but can't really think of an appropriate place to put those thoughts for my Albanian readers. Okay, I doubt that there are any people in Albania that are remotely interested in what a 20-something pastor in Indiana is writing about... but you never know...

So, what is the purpose of this blog? I don't really have one. This will be the place for me to write a little bit about what is going on in life - movies that I've seen, music that I listen to, the St. Louis Cardinals, and totally random stuff that is going on in my life at this time. Yes, there will probably be some talk about ministry things that I have going on, but that is only natural. Everybody talks about their job at some point in these things, right? Now, if you will excuse me, I need to heat up a couple of Hot Pockets (we got a 12 pack from Meijer for $5.24 last week - meatball - my favorite!!!), and continue preparing for the 3 meetings that I have in the next 6 hours.


Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Oh, this is going to be so very interesting...